Tokyo Olympics 2020
「Olympics Coverage for RTÉ Ireland」
アジアヴォックス アイルランドでは、アイルランド関連のTV番組のリサーチ・コーディネーション業務を行っております。東京オリンピック・パラリンピックではアイルランド国営放送局の日本側のメディアフィクサーとして役目を果たさせて頂きました。英語・アイルランド語の翻訳・通訳もお任せください。

Tokyo Olympics 2020 and Tokyo Paralympics 2020 took place during the summer of 2021 due to being postponed because of the novel coronavirus. Despite the adverse conditions, Asia Vox was able to help RTÉ Ireland cover the games while maintaining the safest conditions possible in the midst of a pandemic. Despite the Irish team having a record high for the number of athletes participation in an Olympics, RTÉ managed to cover all of the relevant events and successfully bring the Games to the people of Ireland.
Asia Vox helped RTÉ organise their coverage, and we took care of all the logistics to enable the crews to attend all of the necessary events, arranged vehicles, sourced local crew including cameraman and interpreter, carried out vox pops as well as taking the part of the Covid Liaison Officer responsible for safety measures during these difficult times.
The project was a resounding success due in no small part to Asia Vox’s efforts.