NHK World Sharing the Future
「Empowering Farmers through Satellites and AI ~インド~」
アジアヴォックス インドでは、インド関連のTV番組の企画立案・リサーチ・コーディネーション業務・リモートによる取材代行を行っております。ヒンディー語の翻訳・通訳もお任せください。経験豊富なコーディネーターが、最上級のコーディネートをお約束いたします。
A Japanese start-up is using satellite data and AI to provide soil analysis. This helps farmers in developing countries improve income by increasing yields, improving crop quality and minimizing unnecessary costs. Around 70% of Indians are farmers, but have small plots and falling incomes. Partnering with local agricultural firms, the firm now serves 4,000 farms who’ve seen bigger harvests, less chemical fertilizer and more income. The firm is also expanding into Thailand, Vietnam and Kenya.

India’s small-scale farmers largely farm by hand, and face falling incomes.

CEO Tsuboi Shunsuke launched a company that provides soil analysis to help farmers.

The technology leverages satellite data and AI.

Nagata Satoshi travels the world to promote his company’s soil analysis technology.